4-H Grand Champion in Dog Obedience to Samantha
What did you do?
Through a lot of hard work, training, and perseverance in training my dog, I won first Champion in my class, then Grand champion over all classes in dog obedience. I went on to win Third Place at State!
What organization recognized the achievement?
I was able to do this through our local county 4-H club.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Through homeschooling, I had more time on my hands to work with my dog at home, and I was able to attend our state fair because of our flexible schedule.
What are your interests?
My interests would be to improve in the dog club with 4-H next year and to work on my creative writing on the side.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
I would love to become a veterinarian and run a stable for horses to be adopted. Helping those with special needs through horses is what I would love to do with my life.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
My favorite subjects are science, English, and phonics because I love doing experiments and reading and writing.
The photo was taken at the fair.