Ryan Invited to Join National Society of Collegiate Scholars
When/what did you do?
I am currently 16 years old and am almost finished with my Freshman year at Southern New Hampshire University. I have maintained a 4.0 average. I have been invited into an honor society which I am completing the steps to be inducted.
What organization/entity recognized the achievement?
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars has invited me to join. They have multiple sites at different Universities and your invitation is determined by your GPA.
How did homeschooling help you achieve your goal?
Seton gave me a distinct advantage, especially in the area of writing. I had no idea that every course I would include paper after paper. Thank you Mr. Solis.
What are your interests?
Although I love SNHU, my passion since I was 12 has been to become a priest. I have recently been baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church and am strongly considering entering the seminary in Jordanville, NY where I can earn my BA in Theology and become a priest. I am praying daily on this and will talk to my priest tomorrow to determine if I should make the move. Please pray for me.
What are you inspired to do with your life?
To serve God and God’s people.
What are your favorite subjects?
I have a deep passion for European history and Theology.
The photo was taken at the pier at my hometown of St. Simons Island, Georgia, 2015.